Sunday, November 27, 2011

Eliot Rosewater books: A Few Book Trailers

Here are just a couple of book trailers for this year's Eliot Rosewater nominees.  Have you read either of these books?  What did you think??

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

Hunger Games!!!

If you haven't read the Hunger Games series, you are missing out!  Check out the trailer for the movie coming out March 2012:

Monday, November 21, 2011

EduBlogs - 10 Favorite Activities

I LOVE EduBlogs!!  I used this with my fifth grade students when I was in the classroom.  The thing I loved the most is that I can have my blog with activities, directions, and class news while my students were able to have their own blogs to do activity responses, share books, and more.  I would love to use this again with maybe my book club or help another teacher start one with his/her class.

Check out Edublogger's list of the 10 favorite activities from their Student Blogging challenges.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

The Gist:  Rory Deveaux, fresh off the plane from Louisiana and on her way to boarding school, finds London caught up in a Jack the Ripper copycat slaying.  All that Rory wants to do it learn how to fit in and maybe catch the eye of a cute guy.  Instead, life gets more complicated as she becomes the only witness to the latest murder.

Opinion if you Please:  First thing I have to say...I wish our cover was more like the UK cover!  When I picked up the book, I thought I was going to be reading a historical fiction novel maybe with something supernatural. I was right about the supernatural part, but this story takes place in modern day London with Rory arriving at boarding school the same day a Jack the Ripper copycat begins his killing spree.  As a young adult librarian, I want books my students will pick up and give a chance.  The title and US cover appeal to a certain demographic...the UK cover mentions Jack the you've got our attention!

Ok...two words....PAGE TURNER!  I thought I would give this book a try then go about my normal day.  Next thing I know, I'm late to meet my friend.  There is something intriguing about Rory with her southern, Louisiana background adjusting to life with her fellow classmates.  There is a touch of romance that, as a girl, I wish was developed more.  The good news is that guys who avoid romances can still enjoy this story. LOL  The Rippermania is also interesting.  People literally waiting around to witness the next slaying, feeling guilty that someone is about to die BUT wanting to be part of it.  Maureen Johnson has done a great job of spinning a story that will keep you guessing until the end

Extra, Extra!

This is the first in The Shades of London series.  Stay tuned for the 2nd book, The Madness Underneath...unfortunately, it may be quite awhile as book one just came out in Septmember.  The good news, while the book ends with the possibilities of Rory's future, you are not left hanging in suspense.

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