Sunday, June 17, 2012

#SummerThrowDown: Librarians vs. Teachers

Go #TeamLibrarian

Where does the time go?  I have all these great ideas for my blog, and then I turn around and it has been nearly two months!  Well, rather than get caught up in planning awesome blogs, I am going to just share what's on my mind.

So...what's on my mind?  #SUMMERTHROWDOWN  Librarians and teachers alike are challenging each other to read, read, read this summer.   I love to read but find myself putting it off out of guilt...two little kids, tons to do around the house, and too many tech distractions.

Well, for the next month I now HAVE TO make sure I spend time reading every day.

My goal is 5 YA books, 1 audiobook, and dozens of children's books...see, I can avoid the guilt by reading AND spending time with my girls.  Plus, they will earn more prizes for their summer reading program at the public library.  EVERYBODY WINS!! Yea!

Learn more about #summerthrowdown at all started on Twitter...yet another reason to love Twitter as a PLN!