Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tech Tip Tuesday...a day late: iPad Tips and Tricks for Teachers

I am guilty of taking for granted all the tips and tricks I pick up for my iPad.  Sometimes I accidentally figure out how to do something.  Other times I'll stumble upon a tip on Twitter or Facebook.  Then there are the times I actually seek out help!  I all think I just know these things.  I don't...I'm just really good at faking it and/or keeping one step ahead of your questions! LOL

The iPad is an amazing TOOL: a tool in which we have yet to truly tap its potential for productivity, for teaching, and for interactive classrooms.  I would be lost trying to run my day in the library and around the school without my iPad.

So, today's Tech Tip Tuesday post is all about helping you discover a few tricks you will be glad to know.

First, I want to point you to's article: Tech Support Alert - The Best iPad Tips and Tricks (Updated for iOS 7).

Novice to Nearly-an-Expert, you might just find something useful here.  Be sure to click on the index button and find your favorite tip of the day.

Such as "How to Read a Webpage with Safari Reader"

While you read a web page in a browser, you can either double tap or stretch a page to enlarge the size for ease of reading.  Safari browser takes a step further by taking the ads or other clutter out of a web page. It automatically detects a web page with substantial text, such as online articles, and presents you with a Reader button at the left end of the address field.  Tap the Reader button when it appears and you can read or even email the articles in a clean layout without ads or other distractions, re-tap the button and you're back to the original page.

For more tips and tricks, check out my PearlTree collection.  (And yes, you can expect a future post on what the heck a PearlTree is as it is my FAVORITE website tool!!)

 Tips & Tricks

Stay tuned for more interesting (hopefully!) blog entries as I begin my 20 Day Blogging Challenge!!

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